포토샵 CS4 스톤헨지 (Photoshop CS4 STONEHENGE) 짝퉁이다!

포토샵 CS4 스톤헨지 (Photoshop CS4 STONEHENGE) 짝퉁이다!

제가 예전에 포스팅한 "Adobe Photoshop CS4 v11 (?) " 에 관한 확실한 답을 이제야 주는군요.

대부분 알고 계실테지만, 이제 확실하게 밝혀 졌네요.
포토샵의 프로덕트 매니저의 공식 블로그인 "John Nack on Adobe" 보시면 확인 할 수 있습니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

참조 - John Nack on Adobe: "Oct. 1" (aka, "Just make something up")

"Photoshop CS4" (a term that I've never heard anyone from Adobe use publicly) "is expected to be released on October 1."  Uhh... expected by whom?  And based on what?

I didn't say anything about schedule.  In fact, I never said that any of this stuff is promised to go into any particular version of Photoshop.  Rather, as with previous installments, it's a technology demonstration of some things we've got cooking--nothing more.

John Nack 의 말을 인용하면, 10월 1일 Phoroshop CS4 가 출시될 꺼라는 예기도 근거 없는 예기군요.

PS--I found this warez link kind of hilarious.  Not only are people inventing product info in order to entice you to download a bunch of unknown executable code onto your machine (something from the Eliot Spitzer Memorial Hall Of Unprotected Terrible Ideas); now they're actually using Photoshop to design fake Photoshop packaging! (Screenshot here in case the shady server disappears.)

<본 동영상은 PhotoshopWorld Orlando 2008 관련 동영상 입니다.>

